Publications (Inup Phase 1 and 2)

Total no. 210
1Ishan Ghosekar, Ganesh C. Patil, "Optimizing device efficiency of P3HT/P3HT:PCBM interlayer organic solar cell: Annealing dependent study", in IEEE ICEE 2018 at IISc Bangalore.
2Ishan Ghosekar, Ganesh C. Patil, "Design and fabrication of P3HT interlayer polymer solar cell for improving efficiency", in IWNEBD 2018 at IIT Mandi.
3Kalawati Patil and B. K. Mishra, "Modeling and Simulation of CNFET Integrated with High Dielectric Gate Oxide", in proceedings of Tata Mc Graw Hill, CETE 2018, February 2018.
4Sumit Kumar, Sachin Kadian, Bharamdut Arya, S.P Singh, Jitendra Kumar, Shailesh N. Sharma, "Efficient Hybrid Nanocomposites (P3HT/TiO2) for Glucose Biosensing", presented in International Symposium ISFM-2018, 13-15 Apr 2018. (Poster Presentation).
5Basavaraj S. Sannakashappanavar, Nandini A. Pattanashetti, C. R. Byrareddy, and Aniruddh Bahadur Yadav," Study of annealing effect on the growth of ZnO nanorods on ZnO seed layers", (American Institute of Physics) AIP Conference Proceedings 1943, 020077 (2018).
6Amol Morankar & R. M. Patrikar, "Effective Method for Temperature Compensation in Dual Band Metal MEMS Resonator," 22nd International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT - 2018), at Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, Madurai, India, June 28th - 30th 2018.
7Sandeep K. Mishra, Subina Raveendran and S. Kannan, "AB413-Nanotheranosis: Chitosan Capped Silver-Neodymium Nanoalloy for Multimodal MRI/CT/NIR Imaging and Combined Chemo-photothermal Therapy", Int. Conference on Recent Trends in Analytical Chemistry (ICORTAC-2018), March 15-17, 2018, Madras University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
8Sunil Pathania, Somesh Kumar and Rohit Sharma, "Crosstalk Analysis for Rough Copper Interconnects in Ternary Logic", Proceedings of the IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems (EDAPS) Symposium, Chandigarh, December 2018.
9Rinky Sha, Badhulika S, "Green synthesis of reduced graphene oxide - tin oxide composite for non-enzymatic detection of phenol", 17th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2018), Rodos, Greece, June 3-7, 2018, Poster presentation.
Released on 02-02-2022 Version 5.0

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