
Total no. 368
1K. Arjunan, R. Ramesh Babu, Fabrication of Samarium doped SnO2 thin films using facile spray pyrolysis technique for photocatalysis application, Ionics, 31: 491-507, (2024).
2J.B. Zalke, N.P. Narkhede, D.R. Rotake, S. Govind Singh, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur "Facile chemiresistive biosensor functionalized with PANI/GOx and novel green synthesized silver nanoparticles for glucose sensing", Microchemical Journal (2024), doi:
3Dhananjayan Nathiya, Dilip K. Agarwal, Karuppasamy Gurunathan, Subbiah Alwarappan, Jeyaraj Wilson, "Tin disulfide nanoflowers and nitrogen doped graphene oxide based extended gate field effect transistor as immunosensors", Microchemical Journal Volume 199, April 2024, 109904,
4Dhananjayan Nathiya, Dilip K. Agarwal, Karuppasamy Gurunathan, Subbiah Alwarappan, Jeyaraj Wilson, "Tin disulfide nanoflowers and nitrogen doped graphene oxide based extended gate field effect transistor as immunosensors", Microchemical Journal Volume 199, April 2024, 109904,
Released on 02-02-2022 Version 5.0

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