Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program (INUP)

IT Team, IITBNF, IIT Bombay

The IT Team of IITBNF has developed a complete online Lab management system that has evolved over the years based on inputs from managers, Researchers and Lab users. The modules here are in use since 2012 and have been replicated in many other institutes. The modules have been developed for complete management of INUP Project activities management and also for resource and inventory management and resource allocation for NCPRE and CEN projects.

The very bright and enthusiastic programmers working in our team who have developed all the software. All modules have been made in house and are open source.

A brief introduction of our team members:

Rajni Moona: Team Lead

Suchita Lad: Programmer

Priyankai: Testing and interface with users

Ex Team members:

Kavita Kharad: Was part of the team for more than six years. All the modules developed by our team have been enhanced and their new versions were created by her. She also designed and developed the workshop creation module, which allows Lab managers with end to end solutions for organizing workshops. She implemented the e-purse module designed to manage the expenses and payments towards tool usage and related consumables for IITBNF and also for NRF IIT Delhi. An accommodating person, Kavita has mentored many programmers who have worked under her.


Alok Sinha: Creative and fond of designing. Also made some small modules for the Lab.

Ashutosh Kumar: Very dedicated programmer. Also an engineer to the core. Designed and made IC relays which are still being used in the lab.He made the Chemical saftey module and the work permit modules which involve many levels of approvals.

Shweta Kadam: Workoholic and dedicated to the project. Very fond of programming and had a good sense of designing as well. She worked extensively on slotbooking module. She nade the inventory module and the HR Portal. She also was a good designer. The current IITBNF site layout was made by her.

Jimit Shah: he is the one who wrote the first code for the slot booking module, the flagship software of our Lab. He also made the Wafer issue module. Always smiling and cheerful.

Some of the other programmers who worked with us are Vaibhav shah, Jai, Akshay and Surendra!

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Released on 02-02-2022 Version 5.0

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