CEN - Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics

Equipment Details

Name of the Equipment4 probe Measurement (Automatic)
OperatorArpit Mishra
Shahiroze Khetani
Pankajkumar Gound
System Owner Shilpa Kharat

Manisha Bansode

Short Name
Make4D/ 280TSI
Serial Number060918
FootPrint5 X 3 feet
Equipment TypeElectrical characterization
AMC Required
Local DealerNA

Actual DealerKent Wang

Kent Wang Email:kent@4dimensions.com
SOP SOP/140_SOP.pdf
Training & other policy documents
Recipies RECEPIES/140_RECEPIES.pdf
Glimpse GLIMPSE/140_GLIMPSE.pdf
Tool Facilities RequirementsVacuum Pump
Lab Phone No4464
Substrate allowedAny substrate (material should not be sticky and should adhere to the substrate)
Substrate Dimensionmin 1cm x 1cm. height should not exceed 2mm
Material allowedSticky and soft samples are not allowed, Samples containing Na, K may require permission
Chemical allowedNA
Elements allowed
Target allowedNA
Target dimensionNA
Gases allowedNA
Contamination remarksSamples should not cotain any visible dust and should be properly stick to the base substrate
Released on 02-02-2022 Version 5.0

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